Why You Should NOT Read This Blog

  • This blog is not for you if you simply like to read articles and never take any action.
  • This blog is not for you if you are looking for the next “magic bullet” to cure you of all your problems.
  • This blog is not for you if you are closed-minded, unwilling to suspend your current beliefs and able to try out new ideas.

This website is about action (both physical and mental). The actions you take determine the results you get. So if you aren’t willing to adopt new actions to get what you want, I can save you a whole lot of time right now, and recommend you stop reading, and go watch TV for the rest of your life.

None of the tips, secrets and coaching I can give you will help, if you don’t implement them.

I Can’t Help You if You Don’t Take Action

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to do some of these things. That I can help you with. What I can’t help you with is your attitude and desire. Two things you need to have right for yourself before you can make any positive change whatsoever. Have you got the desire to elevate yourself?

You have to have to be determined to achieve what you really want in life. And you have to have the burning desire to persist through tough times to get there. And there will be challenges. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I’m going to give it to you straight. Always. I’ve found that my readers and clients not only appreciate this honest approach, but it gets the quickest results.

Still here?

Good. Could be that you’ve got the desire. And the universe doesn’t usually give someone a desire that they don’t have the potential to realize.

This Blog IS for You if:

  • You have the desire to improve your life, but perhaps don’t know where to start.
  • You’re an action-taker, but don’t have the focus to organize your activities.
  • You know that you’re destined for great things, but just don’t have the self-confidence or faith to make it happen.
  • You’re persistent and tenacious, but don’t have a plan or direction.
  • You’ve got spirit, but maybe been down-trodden and looked down upon all your life.
  • You want to learn how to manifest your dreams into reality.
  • You’re actively looking for a practical way to achieve peace of mind, joy, clarity, a sense of security, and happiness.
  • You’re looking to improve your performance mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
  • You are depressed, have tried everything and need something to work.
  • You want to form a connection with your higher-self, intuition, infinite intelligence and your well-spring of creative ideas.

You see, the end results are mostly determined by your actions. And your actions are under the control of your thoughts and emotions. And what you feel and think about is determined by your focus (which is largely unconscious).

So the aim of this blog is to empower you with the tools to take back the control of your focus. And as a consequence, you will gain tremendous power over your thoughts and emotions, motivations, and the actions you take.

Things like procrastination and self-sabotage fall away, and you’re able to choose for yourself what you want, and easily put a plan of action in place ~ and work it ’till got it!

Here’s my vision: To empower you with the tools and methods to make deep and fundamental transformations, so you can decide for yourself what it is you want, and then exactly how to go about manifesting it.

So if it sounds like you could use some of that, sign up to my email newsletter and I’ll send you the first step in the process:

I usually send something out once a week – a link to a highly valuable (and actionable) new article or resource.

Then, when you’re ready, start implementing some of the suggestions in these articles: